Tuesday 27 September 2016

Flip Book Animation / Riyad Mahrez / Autonamous Jouney Summer Project

Riyad Mahrez Flip Book Animation from Charlie Hamnett on Vimeo.

This hand drawn flip-book animation is a response to a summer project challenge, this was to keep my hands in the world of design while on my holidays. The brief was to explore the idea of a journey and I thought there was no better journey to use than underdogs Leicester City and Riyad Mahrez's triumphant rise to success as inspiration. I focused primarily on Rihad Mahrez in the flip-book, showing highlights some of his best moments throughout the season, earning him the prestigious 2015/16 Barclays Premier League Player of the Year Award and helped Leicester City win the title.

I arranged the scenes in the animation to guide you through a short highlight reel story. I establish the first scene with the focal point, Riyad Mahrez, along with type to inform the viewers of his name and the success of being crowned player of the year, plus the badge of Leicester City to establish the team he plays for. The frames of the flip book then progress to an action phase where we see Rihad Maherz perform his ability to beat players and score goals. The animation climaxes at midpoint when he scores his goal against Tottenham and continues to the point he scores against Manchester City. Beyond the goal against Man City the flip book animation is resolved with the pace of the frames slowing down to the motion of Mahrez running off celebrating his goal and concludes the video.

Creating the frames for the flip book animation was a really long drawn process, using pencils, a light box and coloured pencils to trace and recreate the frames in an order I intended to portray a story. I simply recorded my work and edited it in Movie Maker, adding music and commentary to reinforce the impact of the flip book animation. In addition, even-though it took a long time to create, I have learnt allot in terms of how to structure to a video and how to structure my time efficiently. Plus, I feel the outcome works really well and it was a fun and engaging challenge to complete this outcome.


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