Friday 3 February 2017

Digital Hologram / Hyper-reality / Digital To Physical

Not long ago, a friend of mine showed me a hologram display that brought elements to life through the screen of a phone or tablet. I was memorised by the result. Plus, the process to production did not seem to difficult to construct. Basically, a glass or plastic pyramid structure is placed inversely on top of the screen of a phone, while a video is playing with the subject of the video placed four times around the pyramid structure. The reflections of the video subject meet in the middle of the inverse pyramid structure and create a hologram in the middle. Below I have found some examples.

This is an interesting concept to connect the digital world with the physical world, creating a hyper-reality in its own way. It would be great to incorporate this technique with an appropriate message or idea that will go hand in hand. Using a huge screen and a huge glass, or plastic, pyramid would be a great visually compelling hyper-reality and would catch the eye of any by-passer to engage them with the message being transmitted. This could be a future technique used in the public to address information, it will definitely grab the attention of the public and will make the message more likely to be remembered and heard.

I really like this idea and I could create a brief for my self to visually interpret my idea of how this idea can be displayed in public areas. To create this visual display, I would create an animation some form of visual communication in after effects and duplicate it four times around the screen. I would have to place the videos against a black background to highlight the subjects, this will make the hologram stand out more. Then, I would have to construct a glass or plastic pyramid structure that will generate reflections that meet in the centre of the inverse pyramid. Most likely plastic, this will be more accessible for me to get and construct than glass would be. However, glass does produce the best outcome from a greater reflection, especially when clean. I could visually interpret the outcome as glass and physically demonstrate the hologram with plastic. I will definitely consider this as an approach towards my hyper-reality project, there is a lot I could do with this idea.

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