Thursday 2 February 2017

Fallon Agency / Hyper-reality

Fallon is an advertising agency that defines great communications directly through customer engagement, connecting people with impressive hyper-realistic advertisements. Fallon agency is known for its creative displays of advertising and marketing genius, as their adverts are so intriguing its hard to forget what you have just seen. They conceptualise their adverts to get our attention through exceptional creativity, humour, provocative and controversial messaging.

Cadbury Gorilla Drummer Drums To Phil Collins from Adpressive on Vimeo.

One of their most memorable advert, is the cadburys gorilla, everyone knows this one. The idea behind this advert was to get the love back for cadbury chocolates. With this in mind they created communication that makes you feel good, reflecting the sensation when eating cadburys chocolates. They did an amazing job, winning many awards for this inspiring piece of marketing genius.

The advert wasn't an especially expensive production, the shoot took place over the course of two days and aside from buying the Phil Collins music, the biggest cost was getting the big gorilla suit all the way over from LA. I love the hyper-realistic nature of this project and how it connects with the audience to create a feel great good factor. It would be amazing to create a funny advertisement, with me or someone dressed in an animal suit, performing human activities and connecting a hyper-realistic nature. This kind of communication really engages the audience and makes them question through amazement, 'whats going on', yet enjoy the whole feel good sensation from watching.

Connecting The Meme Within Advertising

Fallon have cleverly created another feel good video for cadbury chocolates, this time with the application of the dancing bear meme. As we already know, memes are rapidly and vastly shared across the world and everyone has seen this meme on social media. Fallon cleverly use this as a tool of advertising, creating a connection with the viewers and reigniting their feel good sensation from watching the meme again, but this time relating the joy of the bear towards cadbury chocolate. The use of the slogan 'tastes like this feels signifies the message of the advert campaign and works hand in hand with the dancing bear to sell the chocolate.

All in all, I have learnt allot from researching Fallon agency. It has made me think of new ways to approach advertising, with interesting solutions to effective communication. Cadbury does not directly relate to the subjects used in their advertisements, but they are emotionally connected to what they see and what they believe they will taste when biting into cadburys chocolates. All of the above is truly insightful towards my project progression.

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