Friday 9 December 2016

How Alcohol Effects Vision / Think!
We all know that drinking alcohol negatively affects our eyesight after drinking a few pints. But, I want to investigate in research how alcohol affects out vision and how people have communicated this through imagery. This will help me create a scene in my reverspective road that correctly expresses the intoxication to out vision, under the consumption of alcohol.


- Blurred vision or even double vision

- Slows the pace of communication between neurotransmitters in the brain, which weakens the eye muscle coordination. This is what causes distorted or double vision.

- Most likely experience some dizziness with blurry vision.

- Loss of vision owing to the direct effect of alcohol on the optic nerve. Whilst it is the eyes that do the ‘looking’, it is the brain that does the ‘seeing’. 

- Decreases the reaction time of your pupils. They are unable to constrict or dilate when reacting to ambient light levels and impairs the ability see contrasting colours or different shades of similar colours.

Representations of Alcohol Inhibited Vision

I will apply similar techniques to my poster to convey the idea of alcohol and drug intoxication affecting the viewers vision. I could use transparency and blur tools in Photoshop to create this effect, using my existing scene of the road to create a more meaningful message behind the poster.

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