Tuesday 6 December 2016

Peer Review / Daniel Boscarino

My peer Daniel Boscarino gave feedback upon my project that I could respond to in order to improve the communication of my campaign. He recommended that I create a backstory to my character and edit the illustration of the child to give him more personality. This will create a connection with the audience and create a more powerful impact upon the viewer when they discover the child gets hit by an uncontrolled car, resulting in an unfortunate death.

Daniel, liked my overall idea, but he just said it needed to connect that sense of an emotional connection to the character in the design. He said jokingly, when he discovered the child was struck my a car he 'wasn't that bothered' and 'It was the child's fault that he was hit', because he was stood in the road for not reason. Daniel explained that the child needed a reason to accidentally end up on the wrong stick of this of the tragedy. As, the child standing on the road for no reason takes a little of the blame off of the driver reading their message received on their phone, when behind the wheel.

Also, Daniel noted that the child had no hair, meaning they are a baby crossing the road unsupervised and noting 'who would let their baby cross roads on their own'. With this funny remark, it does make sense what he is saying, so I will have to add details to the child illustration to, suggesting his age, reason for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and maybe more. I can express the story of behind this in a short background story of the character.

All in all, Dan's feedback was actually quite constructive towards my project and I definitely feel the background story to the character and adding little details to the character will create a more powerful emotional response to the whole 'Think!' campaign I am creating, when the audience discover the child gets hit by the bad driver of the car.

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