Friday 9 December 2016

Polina Zioga / The Abstract / Seminar #9

Today was learning about how to write an abstract for our essays. We was given an example of an abstract and we dissected it to pull out important structural information that I need to include in my own essay abstract. In the abstract we was set a task to highlight the main terms and concepts, background information, research question and how the author attempts to answer the question.

What are the main terms and concepts?
The main terms and concepts are defined in the essay keywords, visual communication, advertising, design basics, visual hierarchy and mind motion. Plus, the author also notes in the first sentence of the abstract, effective communication and visual recognition. These are all of the terms and concepts.

What background information is provided?
After the first sentence where the author outlined their essay terms and concepts, they follow with a background information to help paint a picture of the essay content.
'Designers of advertisements have always been trying to organise the visual hierarchy throughout their advertising designs to aid the eye to recognise information in the desired order, to achieve the ultimate goals of clear perception and effectively delivering the advertising messages.'

What do you think is the research question?
The author cleverly states their research question in amongst a body of text. 'Many assumptions and questions usually rise on how to create effective hierarchy throughout advertising campaigns and lead the eye and mind of the viewer in the most favourable way.' Basically, within this body of text he states the research question and explains this is what they are going to investigate and explore.

How do you think the author attempts to answer the question?
The author states their essay intentions at the end of the abstract. 'It explores the theory behind it, and how the very principles can be used to put these concepts into practice. The paper demonstrates some advertising samples applying visual hierarchy and mind motion in a representation of applying the basics and discussing the results.'

To conclude this seminar, I feel more confident in approaching a essay abstract now, after dissecting a good example to learn what I need to include. Over the Christmas break, I will begin to work on my essay and use these seminar session blog posts to help me in the process.

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