Tuesday 6 December 2016

Reverspective Construction / Experimentation One / Think

After printing the poster, I purchased quality card and measured the dimensions of the reverspective sides to precisely cut the card to match the dimensions. I did this safely using a cutting mat, Stanley knife and metal ruler to create smooth quality edges to the experimentation.

I then stuck the printed reverspective on to the precisely cut card to create a hard platform to assemble the reverspective within the poster.

Here I have assembled the reverspective card onto my poster, matching the dimensions of the design to build the illusive fitting scene. I have simply used tape on the inside of the reverspective to connect it to the print of the poster. The reverspective lifted high enough to apply tape on the insides to connect each of the sides together, creating an uninterrupted surface on the outer parts of the design.

Finally, I have completed my first reverspective experimentation. The outcome does produce an enhanced perspective and an illusive nature to the design. The message is communicated effectively, with the text directing the viewer to read the message in small scale on the phone and when the viewer sees the design from this perspective they can no longer see the road. I am glad to discover the design works in this communicative manner, I just need to experiment with the design a little more and receive peer and tutor feedback to generate ideas for further improvements to make the necessary amendments and communicate a more powerful message through the poster.

Think! Reverspective Experiment One from Charlie Hamnett on Vimeo.

To conclude my first experimentation I have produced a video of me moving around the reverspective poster, demonstrating the illusive process of the design. As I move up to the top of the design and read the message on the phone, you can see the road disappears and can no longer see the child.

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