Sunday 13 November 2016

Live Briefs / YCN & RSA / Interests and Initial Ideas

Cornetto (YCN)

Think (YCN)

Learning of Life (RSA)

These are the three briefs that interest me the most. For me, I think these briefs offer the opportunity to have the most fun and play with the designs. I will resarch each brief to pull it apart to and figure out what I could do to develop the company image and communicate their brief effectively.

Cornetto / YCN

Cornetto want a fresh, innovative idea to bring to life their brand purpose and idea. Their creative intention is to create a design to express a powerful act of sharing and to leverage Cornettos product essentials. This can be starting with a real world application and then further amplifying it into digital channels. The main objective is to get people to share Cornetto's in a creative and innovative way.

The primary target audience is love struck teens, however the majority of the consumers are 18-35 year olds, who are young at heart. The aim is to encourage more and more people to share love through the simple yet powerful act of sharing a Cornetto, reflecting the brand’s inclusive social purpose. An example is the 'scoop, snap, share' idea. Snap the chocolate tip, scoop some of the ice cream on top and share it with someone special. A design that will be shared and generate passionate conversations, is a strategic application Cornetto want to the design to develop.

What they want to see as a final outcome:
  • Where possible, include visual illustrations of how the product could be used for the purposes of the campaign.
  • Feel free to express your interpretation in your own unique creative style.
  • In case videos are developed, they should not exceed 60 seconds. 
  • If social posts are proposed, these could be static images, gifs or any type of digitally-friendly assets, respecting each social channel’s creative restrictions. 
  • The proposals must demonstrate a fit with the brand’s personality and any illustrations must be aligned with Cornetto’s visual identity. More details can be found in the Cornetto Brand Book – this can be found in the Project Pack 
  • The creamy and crunchy snacking credentials of the product should be clearly demonstrated in the activation to create a strong appetite appeal.
(Cornetto Brief. YCN. 2016-17)

Think / YCN

"Conceptualise, design and deliver a THINK! road safety campaign to encourage young men to drive more safely" (YCN. Think 2016-17)

This brief wants a conceptualised design to raise awareness for young men, communicating the dangers of drink driving, drug driving, using a mobile phone while driving and dangerous driving on country roads. I must conduct a piece of audience research to inform my idea, such as a focus group, survey or both. The target audience are 17-25 year olds. This age group are four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured compared with car drivers aged 25 or over. A campaign is needed to raise awareness and encourage them to drive safe.

I need to develop a communications plan to show how the campaign would be rolled out across England and Wales. They would like to see how the campaign would work on at least two media channels, this could be, social media, TV, cinema, events, radio or PR. But, particularly Intrigued in ideas that will transfer well on to social media, as part of an always on strategy.

Learning of Life / RSA

"Design an exciting new way to support, encourage or stimulate learning throughout people’s lives in the future." (RSA. Learling of Life 2016-17)

This Brief states how improvements in technology, health, demographics and lifestyles create new opportunities for work in the future. People now live for longer and more and more new jobs emerge, with new technologies making many menial jobs automated, it in-turn creates new jobs. The brief wants a design that encourages people to continue to learn throughout their lives if they are to seize and prepare for these new emerging jobs. This has to be communicated by the channel of an A3 poster and a body of A3 pages to communicate the idea about the design.

It also asks me, consider the socioeconomic changes and when creating the design. How and where will they learn. Technologies now allow a whole new spectrum for learning, as you can now easily access learning schemes online. Life long learning is increasingly becoming the norm and the design needs to illustrate this to encourage the people stuck in the block method of, learning, work and retire to evolve into the modern age.

I have to chose from one of five possible scenarios to respond to:
  •  In 2020, there will be over 5 billion internet users, with over half of them accessing the internet over handheld tablet devices. We don’t want people just to consume digital technology but accomplish more with it. How can we encourage those with good digital skills to become digitally innovative and creative? 
  • By 2050 a third of people in the UK will be over 60. Since 2000, there has been a 140% increase in over 65s running their own businesses. How can we increase digital and/or entrepreneurial skills for over 60s so they can work in – or create their own – digital jobs? 
  • Of the 6.4 million people in the UK who had not used the Internet in 2014, 5.6 million of those were aged 55 and above. How can we increase and maintain skills as we enter the later parts of our lives? 
  • 35% of UK jobs are at high risk of being automated but technology can also create new opportunities. How can we support people who have been working in the same job – but whose roles are now changing – to re-train and stay in the same industry or do something else entirely? 
  • Some people may have been doing similar roles for some time, but are not fulfilling their potential. New jobs are always emerging: app developers, data scientists and even Zumba instructors are popular jobs that have emerged in the last 10 years. How can we change the expectation for retraining and reskilling at various points throughout their life courses so people can move into new roles? 
(RSA. Learling of Life 2016-17)

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