Friday 11 November 2016

Polina Zioga / Formative Assessment Feedback / 11th Nov

Today I received Feedback on my formative, contextual presentation. My strong points was layout and the content I put on the slides. My content was short and concise and created a sense of mystery for the audience, in which I explained to clarify. This helps to engage the audience and prevent them loosing track of the presentation by having to read a lot of information from the slides.

What I could improve upon is, I began to stray away from the relation to graphic design and I need  to go back a few steps and engage with this message a lot more. The question that was brought up was 'and how has graphic design impacted cyber crime' and I need to investigate this in greater detail to bring my presentations message back on track.

Polina also expressed, factors that our group as a whole was strong and weak about. She liked the content and interesting initial platforms of work to establish a research question, liked the presentation design and liked the time management of the presentations in general. In addition, Polina also noted out general points of improvement for the group as a whole. One was to make sure the presentation design is more visually engaging, do this by using the whole slide as a template, place text and images close to the edges and do not include too much text. Some times the topic subject can be too broad and needs narrowing down. Make sure the title summarises your topic and not a representation of the research question, the research question needs to be as focused as possible to guide research in a channelled direction. I  will take all of the feedback provided and use it to improve my work to get the best result I can do.

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