Tuesday 22 November 2016

Video Media Channel / Think Project

I can get the reverspective effect to work in video by applying the same effect as what would happen in physical form. A step back from the poster, the camera will have a full perspective and see the whole image of the road. Up close however, I would position the camera at eye level of the average person and would only see the top half of the reverspective and not the most important part, the road.

To create this effect, I could move the camera steadily towards the design at eye level to walk the viewer through the illusion of the design. The view is as if the audience are the driver of the car and by moving closer to the phone, the video demonstrates the distracting aspect of using a phone while driving. I could see this advertised on TV with the aspect of public reaction to the poster on city streets, observing the intrigue it may have upon them. I will look to create a short advert, demonstrating the process and to reinforce the application of my posters.

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