Tuesday 22 November 2016

Social Media Idea / Interactive Application

An interactive application would be well suited to target the audience of young male drivers. This generation have been accustomed to digital technologies throughout their lives and are spending hours a day browsing through their news feed. So, this media channel will be a great platform for them to stumble upon. I will create a video that quotes do not touch the phone, intriguing them to touch the phone behind the play button to discover what the video is about. Once the play button is clicked the inverted reverspective view of the driver would demonstrate how using your phone distracts their attention off of the road, with the indication of a child stood in the middle of the road that they could hit.

Another interesting approach through the channel of social media. A lot of images on social media are now becoming 3D interactive applications. Using a special camera to move around an object or environment and allowing the capacity to export into social media for the world to observe and enjoy. This technique could be transferred into my road safety idea. By scrolling up to the phone and being unable to see the reverspective road and child, demonstrating the danger of this action.

These are methods of communication that I will look to create. I think maybe the video channel for social media would be the route I could manipulate into an advert appeal. I am not exactly too sure about how to create a 360 object image that you can interact with on social media. But, I will research how it is done and discover if I have the equipment and capability to do so.

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