Friday 18 November 2016

Polina Zioga / Essay Introduction / 18th Nov

In this seminar I was introduced to the second year essay and visual appendix. I am required to write a 2500 word essay that addresses a set of histories, theories or technologies which informs my own practice and my course specific research question.

I learnt how I should structure my essay. First of all, include my title to clearly outline and focus the essay topic. Then below, place 5 key words that communicate and depict what the essay is about in a very short manner. Leading to the 150 word abstract that clearly summarises the essays arguments and position. Moving on to the body of the essay, we start with an introduction. The introduction needs to outline the main arguments and materials presented and establishes the structure of the essay. The essay body should communicate a logical and well supported argument, supported by a litterateur review to reinforce the message intended. To end the essay argument, create a conclusion which reaffirms the main argument and identifies further questions, plus plans for related future work.

In addition, it was also explained to me what is expected for the visual appendix. I need to create an A2 poster that communicates the argument of my essay. The poster needs to include my name and course, the title of my essay and my 150 word visual appendix to address the audience about my research poster. This will be part of my research focused exhibition at the end of term two. It is concerned with representing a visual summary of my essay at a glance.

At the end of term two, I will need a 750 word start to the essay to show and submit. I will get feedback upon this to see if I am hitting the correct criteria and to push me in the right direction to get a better grade. This process is a good way of learning and helps prepare me for future essays and generates a greater understanding of what is expected as research.

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