Tuesday 31 January 2017

Animating Graffiti

Bringing wall graffiti to life is an interesting hyper realistic concept that I could explore. I could record footage of me walking past a wall and I could super impose graffiti that would spring to life as I walk along. I would create the graffiti using illustrator and animate it using after effects. Below, I will research processes of graffiti animation to spring ideas and methods.

Muto, an animated graffiti hyper reality is created by a street artist known as BLU. The work is hand crafted and photographed in frames to create an animated visual. He uses chalky white paint to illustrate bizarre stories along the walls, with a charcoal black to outline shapes and figures. Continuously, creations he makes are erased and smudged out, ready to draw on the next frame and leaving a motion trail behind that illustrates a path to guide the audience along the wall and follow the journey. A similar concept to this would be a great way to story board my idea, in terms of graffiti animating from one destination to another.

I have created a character animation of myself that I could incorporate into this idea. I could blend it into a wall background and follow me along the wall as I walk by, this would be one of many animations however, if I decide to take this idea further. Below is the animation of myself composed onto the urban city wall.

---MY animation to be inserted....

Above, I have found a very compelling wall graffiti animation that tells a story about knife crime and how it effected the characters life in the animation. This is a truly great communication that illustrates the consequences of knife crime, you almost feel sorry for the child criminal after you see everything he missed out on in childhood. The artistic channel of wall graffiti to tell this story connects with the urban environment this sort of crime commonly takes place and this helps convey the powerful message of ill advised teenagers wasting their potential, due to stupid decisions as seen in this video. The ability to connect the media and message , as the no knifes, better lives campaign would be an amazing approach to my hyper reality project. I will attempt to think of an interesting concept that will do so, telling a story at the same time in a hyper realistic manner.

Action for Children 'Lee' from Passion Animation Studios on Vimeo.

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