Tuesday 24 January 2017


Interestingly, I have just found out that derealisation is a condition that connects the aspect of hyper-realism into the real world. It is an alteration in the perception or experience of the external world, making the external reality seem unreal. Symptoms include, feeling as though ones environment is lacking spontaneity, emotional colouring and depth. Derealisation is a disorder of psychiatric and neurological disorders, or it can be a stand alone disorder called depersonalisation.

While, depersonalisation is a subjective experience of unreality of the external world, depersonalisation is the sense of unreality in their self. The idea of this is that the phenomenological experience of ones self, others and the external world is all one continuous whole. So, the sufferer depicts unreality to blend in and cause the person to puzzle over deciding whether it is them self or the world that feels unreal to them. It is reported that a person who suffers from this condition, almost observes them self interacting with the world from an external source, having no control over their actions. In the image above, the drawing illustrates an interesting concept that depicts a person viewing through the eyes of their outer person. This powerfully communicates the silenced character inside having no control over the actions of their external person, viewing the world through their own eyes, but not in touch with the external realities or themselves. This is an interesting concept to investigate to generate ideas along these lines.

Matrix is in some sense related to this condition. Who knows, the whole idea of the matrix may have derived from derealisation and depersonalisation. The film Matrix depicts a future in which reality is perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality, that was created by machines to bring under control the human population. The humans are plugged into the matrix and the heat and electrical activity from their bodies are used as an energy source. This is a well documented hyper reality, but an interesting one at that. For an idea, I could move towards the direction of futuristic hyper-realities, creating a short video or illustrations of how the world is perceived in the future.

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