Thursday 5 January 2017

Final Physical Reverspective Poster / Drink Driving

Again, after learning what went right and wrong from my previous poster experimentation, I was able to put my knowledge to the task to create the best reverspective design with the resources I had. Using card and tape that I carefully cut and measured to assemble the design and complete the visual communication.

Updated / Refined / Physical poster / Think from Charlie Hamnett on Vimeo.

Here I have recorded the visual display of the reverspective  alcohol poster design, to give a clearer idea that it works. This poster also moves as you move around it. The intention is to communicate the dangerous restricted view of the driver while intoxicated with alcohol when behind the wheel.

I have again organised a visual hierarchy to guide the viewers eyes.Initially the viewer will notice the poster as a whole, then they will read the message at the top of the poster informing ‘Think! Don't Drink’, with the image of a beer pint. From the position of the beer pint a viewer will not be able to see the whole perspective of the road.

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