Friday 7 October 2016

Contextual Portfolio / Polina Zioga

Year Two has been a great leap from last year and yet again today has been hugely insightful to the real world of design. In this seminar, I learnt how to prepare and present your presentation to industry standard and how to deal with many external factors to get your message across to an audience. This is especially important as I am in the process of sorting out work placement for the following year and I will have to partake in presenting and talking to agencies and companies.

Design + Content + Delivery  //   Presentation = Performance

These three concepts combine to produce the perfect presentation. First of all it is important to have a clear title that relates to your project/ideas. It opens up the presentation with a focus to follow. Beneath the title, for my blog presentation I should be my blog URL, my full name and my course. Within each page of my presentation I should include a clearly visible citation for the content of the pages and my URL of the blog page. Usually in the lower corners so people subconsciously see and read these notations.

To present the slide show well I need to keep the slides simple and not have pages containing loads of writing or a strange fade background that makes the content hard to see. By having simple clear to the point content will help you explain and help the audience get a greater understanding as the focus will be drawn to the presenter. When doing this however, you have to imagine that the audience is intelligent but a specialist in the subject you investigate. A little advice I was given was to imagine that I am an actor and to tell a story, this also entails rehearsing your presentation as an actor would. Rehearsing to friends or yourself will help get over goosebumps, I have been informed. Most importantly is time management. Most of the time in industry you will have a time limit to pitch ideas to clients, due to the fact many designers will be pitching ideas to clients. So you cant babble on and talk forever. I have been advised to use a stop watch to create a quick concise flow to a presentation. For example, for my summative assessment I have 10 minutes to present 20 slides of my blog. In this case I will have to approximately spend 30 seconds of aural description for each. In addition, it is acceptable to take notes but do not hold the notes in front of your face and blatantly hold it in front of your face to read it.

After this, we paired up to present out ideas to one another, to use this task to practice and learn from. I had to encapsulate and explain in one sentence, formulated as a title the theme of my current project. Then provide feedback on one strong point and one point on what can be improved. My sentence with feedback was 'creating awareness of false perception and danger of connecting with anonymous profiles online'. This sentence clearly illustrates the direction of my project and establishes a platform for the audience top follow.

All of what I have learnt today has gave me direction in terms of what I should research and how I should structure the research, alongside the process and production of my project. I would start of with my research into the fraudsters using anonymous profiles to commit crimes, leading to my idea of how our eyes detect perception and illusion and how this relates to my project theme. Then leading on to the design work and how everything connects to one final outcome. Presented in an order that I am comfortable with to talk about in a flowing process and explain.

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