Saturday 22 October 2016

Development 3 / Cybernetic Self

Whilst talking to a friend about my idea and me telling him about my ideology behind criminals stealing information through illusive techniques to decode the information from their victims. I was show a poster about a film ex machina where their is decoded information programming a robots functions. I thought the whole composition and everything about this poster was relatable to my project. So, I started to experiment with this idea and the arrangement of the decoding type to convey the criminal activity to decode information through online technology.

Here is my experimentation with the inspiration. I have wrote in the scattered decoding type words that are scrambled that the criminals put together to decode and manipulate their victims into giving away their information. I have also added credit card numbers, National Insurance numbers and more. To read the type follow the line path it is on and the following letter to the right will spell the decoded words. This isn't instantly visable but the closer you get, you should start to notice a pattern and the closer you get the face will change. This reflects the whole idea of the illusive nature of cyber crime. from far away it looks like a different person and scrambled messages, but as you get closer the type pulls together and you see the real face who is the criminal alluding you into giving away details. All in all, my project feels like it is pulling together, just tweaking now to improve it. I need to improve the illusive nature of the face a little more and make my idea more original for my final outcome.

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