Friday 14 October 2016

Tracy Lannon / Studio Research Feedback / 14th Oct

Tracy provided guidance towards creating a research question and how I could take my project further, in terms of focus. I was having difficulty to create a research question for my project direction. I had collated many possibly research angles but it was hard to group them together and create a research question. After, my discussion with Tracy I discovered a solution to overcome this problem and get back on track.

What I found, was my whole idea was very broad and just needed focusing on a more specific audience and a particular theme. Tracy guided me to look into specific crimes committed by anonymous profiles online and who are the targeted victims. From this, I can pin point an area that I will investigate further to create a better and audience specific design. For example, I could look in to credit card fraud and the most targeted victims, Identity theft and victims and other scams and specific victims. This is something I will investigate to progress my project development.

To conclude, I have gained a greater understanding of how to develop a research question and his has given me a refreshed focus on where I should be going with my project. I was also recommended sources of research to help, 'google scholar', 'academia' and 'research gate', to help me in my study. 

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