Tuesday 4 October 2016

Seminar 2 / 4th Oct / Tracy Lannon / Idea 4

I came out of this seminar with a new idea and got me thinking about my own and where I could take it, so it was very useful. We all printed out an A4 sheet of paper with images that relate and express our ideas and stuck them on the wall beside our group to observe and discuss.

It was again interesting to see where everyone was at with their work and listen to their thought processes. I was intrigued by someone in my groups take on autopoiesis and how we take everything in from our technological environment. We constantly check social media, watch TV, YouTube and more digital external devices that program us to who we are. While this subject was being talked about ideas flew into my mind about how to portray autopoiesis.


An eye seeking and learning their autopoiesis from an environment of Facebook, YouTube, twitter, etc could be positive and negative. I could communicate this by having a photograph or outline of a person looking through a magnifying glass, or maybe their phone as their phone can represent a magnifying glass to the world of internet. With the icons of the various social media apps and other forms of digital media that can fill the persons mind with both good and bad things. It would be good to find out the positives and negatives of using social media and to discover a way to communicate this through the idea discussed above.


The image has given me a good idea of how I could potentially communicate how social media and other technologies have effected our autopoiesis. linking it with the idea above I could have the outline of a person looking at their phone with their eyes and to communicate a journey of how the technologies flow through the phone, through the eyes and into the person creating their autopoiesis. To illustrate this I could have logos and icons of social media apps and other digital influences that flow into the phone. Potentially, I could communicate how it effects us negatively or positively, or a mix and have the logos and icons sat within the outline of the person to represent learnt autopoiesis.

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