Tuesday 11 October 2016

Freddie Davison / Cybernetic Self Research

Browsing through Pinterest for inspiration for my project, I stumbled upon this cleaver design. The design illustrates the dangers of the internet and social media, communicating the message 'In the hands of a cybercriminal, a computer is a weapon'. I have chosen this poster to research, because the overall concept relates to my project, raising awareness of false perception and the danger of connecting with anonymous profiles online.

The overall composition of this poster design is minimalistc and creates a focus around the powerful image of the grenade with fragments in the appearance of keys from a keyboard. This communicates the message that a computer can be used as a weapon to hurt anyone, in the wrong hands. This image will have most likely been constructed In Photoshop or illustrator, programmes that I will use to create my image for my poster. In my design I want to draw focus to my illusive image that manipulates high and low spatial frequencies in vision to see two separate faces. Using a similar approach to composition as Freddie Davison, will help me achieve the best results. The smaller type will allow a greater canvas to enlarge my image to engage the interactive element of my design. My design has to be large enough to see the sharp linear image that high spatial frequencies in the eyes pic up.

In addition, the colour of the type against the background Freddie Davison uses has given me an idea for my project. At first, I did not see the phrase 'every click matters'. Maybe this is intentional by Freddie, he may want to capture his audience to notice the darker heading first, before reading the concluding phrase to sum up the design. However, I fin this clever and I could experiment with this idea to create a typographic title with text that can play with the eyes high and low spatial frequencies. This could perhaps be done similar to how I get the images to create the illusion, by having blurred darker text and sharper lighter text. The thin, sharp and light text you would not see from further away or squinting, you would only see the blurred darker text. But when you move closer it should hopefully become the reverse. Or maybe, to have words that appear darker in a sentence, so when you move further away of squint the light words disappear and only the darker words remain and could say something different about the image.

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