Monday 24 October 2016

Development 4 / Cybernetic Self
Moving on to creating title type for my design. I have researched ideas, as inspiration to help me discover a way to layout type that will illustrate the illusive nature of cyber-crime. I have discovered these two posters above that hide and reveal elements of word and letters, this instantly gave me an idea how to lay out type in my poster. I could trim one word or words and reveal another beneath to sum up the idea of criminals hiding behind an anonymous profile online.

Using Photoshop I created title type experimentation for my poster. Similar, to the hide and seek idea, I have used the font 'Kredit' to communicate the involvement of money and I trimmed away the bottom section of the text cyber-crime after rasterising the layer, this text layer illustrates the face profile the criminals use as an anonymous source. Underneath this layer, I have created different phrases that question and express the tricks that cyber-criminals put in place to fool victims. I have used the font Helvetica, as this font is commonly used in emails and it communicates the primary channel to reach victims. for this text, I rasterised and trimmed the top layer to place to only reveal the bottom half, revealing enough if its body to read.

For the 'what you don't see text', I have added a transparent and faded effect. I have done this to create an illusive meaning to the design. When you squint or are far away to will not see the phrase, but when up close or focus your eyes you will notice the type. This will work alongside the illusive faces in the design, to help justify an overall misleading effect and relate to cyber-crime.

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