Tuesday 4 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Research / Idea 2

While browsing through my Facebook news feed I stumbled upon an interesting concept of how alcohol effects your vision and how perceptions of people can change. I have picked this out because, when I saw this image I immediately mad connections to my Cybernetic self project. This image can relate to the false identity of fraudsters online and the illusive miss perception of the two faces expresses the criminal behind the false profile picture, or other visual representation of them-self.

Our eyes detect resolutions of both high spatial frequencies and low ones. Basically, high spatial frequencies are sharp lines and low ones are blurred shapes. By blending the high frequencies of one image with the low frequencies of the other image, both in good composition with one another by connecting the eyes at the same level, creates an image that changes over distance and time. We initially see the blurred face within the first 30 milliseconds and the sharper image around 100 milliseconds as our eyes begin to focus on the detail. This also works over distance. our eyes detect less detail when further away from the subject but as we get closer we can detect the sharper lines and detail. I have researched this information from the website below.


Here is another good example of our double vision creating miss-perception. Move further away or squint and you see Marilyn Monroe or move closer and focus, you will see Einstein.

Hopefully, I could recreate something similar by taking pictures of peoples faces and use them to manipulate in Photoshop. Blur and transparency tools could create the high and low spatial frequency images and to then layer the images in accordance to make the eyes line up, creating the focal point of the image. I would then have to add a digital aspect to the design to make the outcome relate to the Cybernetic Self and Network Self theme. Maybe framed with a computer screen, social networking page, digital code and more computerised aspects to make the appropriate connections.

In addition, using of type would work a treat to effectively communicate the message. Slogans that express the danger and ask the question, do you know who you are talking to, will help the design raise awareness of the criminals who use social network sites to cause harm and hopefully reduce the number of cases this is happening. I am defiantly going to peruse this idea, it looks like it would be a fun challenge to create and a clever way to communicate the message of false identity online. The design would communicate best as a printed poster to advertise, maybe a series of posters with different faces to illustrate the different kinds of frauds who you can be manipulated by online.

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