Friday 21 October 2016

Design Content & Delivery / Polina Zioga / Seminar / 21st Oct

Following on from last week, I prepared and presented my draft presentation to receive feedback for improvement. We presented our draft presentation in pairs and talked about it with lecturers Tracy Lannon and Polina Zioga. I discovered that I need to reason my research findings in greater detail, to explain 'who is this', 'why is this', etc.

After, Polina reinforced to us the structure of the presentation. Start with your research title, blog URL, name and course on the first slide. Followed by a background and literature review around 5-7 slides of your research title. Finally, to end the formative presentation with a main research question, that will set us up for research leading to the summative presentation assessment.

To conclude the seminar, presenting my draft presentation has provided me with an insight of what my lecturers expect of me when it comes to the formative assessment. I have come out of the seminar much more aware of what I need to research and how I have to display my research findings. Before we left Ploina once again outlined the dos and don'ts we need to remember for when we present.

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