Friday 14 October 2016

Cybercriminal Money Scams 2016 / Cybernetic Self Research

Cyber criminals have affected online businesses and individuals since the internet first came to be. The rise in technology have led internet services and websites to make it easier and easier to pay bills, shop, make online reservations other means of payments. You can do any of these actions from anywhere in the world, removing any physical boundaries and making our lives easier. However, It also makes life easier for crime. Cyber criminals have endless vulnerable targets in the world who they can scam for money and endless platforms to perform the crime. Below are the most common up to date techniques cyber criminals scam people with.

Phishing Email Scams

Phishing scams are communicated through emails and social networks. Cyber criminals will send messages to try and trick you into giving away any login details or personal information that they can use for their benefit and leave you in the dumps behind. They get their victims to believe that the message sent is from an official source, usually pretending to be bank authorities or other financial institutes. Their messages contain links that take you to web pages that resemble that of a real company, but is actually controlled by the criminals, asking for personal information on a fake login access page.

They are most successful when people arent paying much attention, so they play on this to lure them into a trap. Phishing criminals create a sense of urgency to frighten the target, telling them a story of how their bank account is under threat and that they need to fix this as soon as possible. Often asking for personal information to quickly access and confirm your identity of the account. At this point they now have all the information they need to access the account or sell the account to the dark web or other interested parties.

Money Laundering Scams

This scam is one of the oldest and most popular scamming schemes, most people will have encountered one of these scams in their mail box in their internet life. It starts by opening an anonymous emotional message who claim to be an official government member, a business man or a wealthy family member asking for help to retrieve a large sum of cash from a bank. In exchange for help the offer a you a large sum of money. The scam starts off with the victim paying for small fees and legal costs and then leading you on to pay more for additional services, transaction and transfer costs. They keep sending confirmation letters to make you believe it is legit, but eventually, you end up with no money and no promised money.

Greeting Scams

Another old scam, this is usually a greeting card message that seems to be from a friend. But, when opened you usually end up with malicious software that is being downloaded and installed on your computer. Causing adds to pop up all over your screen as you use it. In some cases however, your device can be infected with really dangerous malware. In this case your computer will start sending private data and financial information to a fraudulent server controlled by IT criminals.

Guaranteed bank loan or credit card scam

This scam sends messages to people that guarantee you large amounts of money that have already been pre-approved by the bank. People who are experiencing difficult times at the moment they receive the message they may be vulnerable to fall for this 'too good to be true offer'. However, this in general is an easy scam to spot. Using your common sense you will be able to to tell that it is fake, a huge bank loan or credit card would not be approved without knowing your financial situation.

Lottery scam

The lottery scam is a message that you open informing you have won a huge sum of money. But, before you can gain access to that money you have to pay some initial small fees. A lot of people fall for this as it highlights everyone wildest dream of quitting their jobs and living off of their winnings for the rest of their lives. this fantasy sometimes clouds peoples judgement and jump straight into the transactions to receive their so called money.

Hit-man Scam

Cyber criminals send you threatening messages to scare you into paying money. Most of the messages say they will kidnap a family member or that they have been payed to kill you unless a ransom is paid to them. They reinforce this threat with a message filled with details about the victims life, using personal information they find on social media. This is why it is wiser and safer to not display lots of personal information on social media.

Romance Scams

This scam plays on the nature of a persons subjective self, when their lust causes them to drop down their guard and think illogically. The scam takes place on social networking sites, where victims are informed about the notion of romance. The male scammers and usually based in west Africa and the female scammers are usually from eastern Europe. Cyber criminals have used this method for years and have improved their method based on their victims reactions. Some strategies take months to gain the trust of the victim and in some cases a meeting is arranged. The way they gain money from these scams are either, an unpredictable event occurs and the scammer needs money to buy a passport or other item of desperation, or they are kidnapped and held for ransom at the arranged meeting.

Fake Anti-Virus Software

This scam consists of a pop up saying 'your device is infected, install this antivirus software no to protect'. Scammers design the pop up to appear how you would expect windows or a security service provider to illustrate the problem, making you think that it maybe true. In some cases you can end up with a Trojan, Keylogger or CryptoLocker virus. These can lead to scammers to block and encrypt your operating system and request a sum of money for you to gain access to the computer again.

Impersonation Scam

Cyber criminals can hack onto your social media accounts and pretend to be you for their own value. They can create a false situation and ask for help through cash transactions from all of your contacts, to hopefully gain money from the concerned individuals who are offering their help. To avoid the situation of a profile hack, you should treat your social media account information as you would with your bank and do not display lots of personal information online that criminals could encode to discover your password.

Make Money Fast Scams

One of the most common scams is the scam that promises the fortune of making money fast on the internet. They promise you made up jobs, plans and methods of getting rich fast and promised money from government sources. With the implication to work at home victims feel safer and lured into giving away personal information and financial data with the promise from a make believe source over the internet.

Travel Scams

The victim receives an email with an irresistible offer to travel to an exotic location for a special holiday, but it expires in a short amount of time. The criminals hide necessary costs until you pay the initial offer and they simply take your money without sending you anywhere. To avoid this, go with the well known and trust worthy travel agencies to be safe.

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